Hi All
I'm working on getting a new WW 2.19 server running in prep for upgrading our institution's WW instance from 2.15 to 2.19. Part of this upgrade will be moving to LTI v1.3, which invalidates an old custom LTI module we used to create users.
I would like to configure the default LTI module to use a value other than email but I'm unsure how to enter the value (or if it's possible) because it's delivered as part of an array in the data sent from the LMS (D2L-Brightspace).
The value I'd like to use is the org_defined_id, but it's coming in as part of an array of values under the "http://www.brightspace.com" value (sanitized example below). Is there a way I can reference this array member as the key for setting the preferred_source_of_username?
Here's a sanitized example of the data I'm getting in the webwork2 log with lti debug enabled:
[2024-10-04 10:52:36.33184] [146625] [info] [REDACTED] {
"aud" => "REDACTED",
"email" => "john.doe@abc.com",
"exp" => REDACTED,
"family_name" => "Doe",
"given_name" => "John",
"http://www.brightspace.com" => {
"Context.id.history" => "",
"ResourceLink.id.history" => "",
"content_topic_id" => 000000,
"link_id" => 000000,
"org_defined_id" => "S00000000",
"tenant_id" => "REDACTED",
"user_id" => 000,
"username" => "johndoe123"