We recently completed a migration from WW 2.14 to 2.19. There were about 10 out of 100 courses that failed to come over to the new version and I am trying to troubleshoot that. For one of the courses, we tried to use file manager to import and then unarchive the course and when we do so, I get the following:
Invalid path at /opt/app/home/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/Instructor/FileManager.pm line 568.
564: $tar->setcwd($dir->to_string);
566: @members = $tar->list_files;
567: for (@members) {
568: my $out_file = $dir->child($_)->realpath;
569: if ($out_file !~ /^$dir/) {
570: push(@outside_files, $_);
571: next;
572: }