Fresh v. 2.19 installation.
Deleting a course seems to leave the instructor in the user list of the admin course. Then, when I add a new course with the same name but a different instructor, a second instructor is recorded for the same course. Finally, when I delete the course again, an error message is generated complaining about incorrect number of contacts. The course seems to get deleted correctly, and I can manually delete the contacts in the admin course.
Error messages
Incorrect number of contacts for the course tmp_course: contact1_tmp contact2_tmp at /app/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/ line 893.
888: } else {
889: # Mark the contact person in the admin course as dropped.
890: # Find the contact person for the course by searching the admin classlist.
891: my @contacts = grep {/_$delete_courseID$/} $db->listUsers;
892: if (@contacts) {
893: die "Incorrect number of contacts for the course $delete_courseID: " . join(' ', @contacts)
894: if @contacts != 1;
896: # Mark the contact person as dropped.
897: my $User = $db->getUser($contacts[0]);
898: $User->status(($ce->status_name_to_abbrevs('Drop'))[0]);