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preventing LTI grade pass back warnings

preventing LTI grade pass back warnings

by Andras Balogh -
Number of replies: 2

We have about 2,000 students using lti_grade_passback to Blackboard and another 2,000 not using LTI or grade pass back with v. 2.19 WeBWorK

Even though we have set $debug_lti_grade_passback = 0; I still see a lot of warnings in the webwork2.log like

[warn] submitting all grades for user: (student-ID)
[warn] lis_source_did is not available for user: (student-ID)

These are for students whose accounts are local, not from LTI and their grades are not linked to Blackboard.

Can I prevent these warnings for the courses not needing LTI by placing in the course.conf files and empty string for the LTI grades, like $LTI{v1p1}{grader} = ' ';

In reply to Andras Balogh

Re: preventing LTI grade pass back warnings

by Glenn Rice -

It will probably cause problems if you do that with the $LTI{v1p1}{grader} variable because that will leave grade pass back active, but say that the grader module is the empty string.  That should cause an exception when grade pass back runs.  That is why there is a comment in the file not to change that.  In fact in the next release of WeBWorK that variable won't exist anymore.  I found a better way of doing that that doesn't rely on something in the configuration files that a system administrator could fudge with.

But if you set $LTIGradeMode = ''; in the course.conf file it will do what you want.  That will disable grade pass back for the course.

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: preventing LTI grade pass back warnings

by Andras Balogh -

Thanks! That makes sense.

I should have guessed that since I am already placing $LTIGradeMode='homework'; into some courses with global setting $LTIGradeMode='course';