I'm designing a problem that requires students to enter their data into a table. The problem and table both look fine in a browser but the table wraps in an unpleasant manner in the pdf hardcopy. This issue could likely be resolved if the last couple columns were removed and put into a separate problem. However, it would be nice to find another option since the current format permits the student to see all of the data at once. Below is a sanitized code example and a screenshot of the hardcopy is attached. I appreciate any thoughts.
$tab2 = DataTable(
[['Approx.',rowtop=>'1'],'Exact volume','Mass of grad.','Mass of','Density of'],
[ 'sample','of ethanol','cylinder &','ethanol','ethanol'],
[ ['volume (mL)',rowbottom=>'1'],'sample (mL)','ethanol sample (g)','sample (g)','(g/mL)'],
[ [2,rowbottom=>'1'], ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1) ],
[ [4,rowbottom=>'1'], ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1) ],
[ [6,rowbottom=>'1'], ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1) ],
[ [8,rowbottom=>'1'], ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1), ans_rule(1) ],
align => '|c|c|c|c|c|',
Complete the below table.
ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp);
ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp);
ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp);
ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp); ANS($ans->cmp);