is smart enought to realize that the problem has been changed and it
will recreate the images. So you don't have to worry too much about
this. To be more precise, WeBWorK compares the date of the .pg file
with the date of the corresponding directory (e.g. .../l2h/set3/4-12345
for problem 4 in set 3 for the student with psvn 12345). If the .pg
file is newer, WeBWorK deletes the directory and then builds it anew.
Note that WeBWorK is not smart enought to realize if you change a
student's seed for a problem, but this is something that is almost
never done (it you do this, you have to physically remove the
corresponding directory).
If you want to speed things up after changing a problem, you can run
l2hPrecreateProb.pl (enter this with no parameters and it will respond
with the correct syntax to use). You could also run l2hPrecreateSet.pl
but that would be less efficient. l2hPrecreateSet.pl will not recreate
images that already exist (as long as the existing directory is newer
than the date of the corresponging problem), but it does some work
before it realizes that valid images already exit.
If you only change one problem, you probably do not have to worry about
running l2hPrecreateProb.pl unless you have a very slow system.
You could use the search box to the lelf to search for related information (maybe search for precreate?)
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