This problem has been replaced with a newer version of this problem
Vector Fields in Three Dimensions
This PG code shows how to display vector fields in three dimensions that are defined by formulas.
PG problem file | Explanation |
DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( "PGstandard.pl", "MathObjects.pl", "parserVectorUtils.pl", "PGcourse.pl", "LiveGraphicsVectorField3D.pl", ); TEXT(beginproblem()); |
We need to include the macros file |
Context("Numeric"); Context()->variables->are(x=>"Real",y=>"Real",z=>"Real"); $plot = VectorField3D( Fx => Formula("y"), Fy => Formula("-x"), Fz => Formula("z"), xvar => 'x', yvar => 'y', zvar => 'z', xmin => -1, xmax => 1, ymin => -1, ymax => 1, zmin => -1, zmax => 1, xsamples => 4, ysamples => 4, zsamples => 4, axesframed => 1, xaxislabel => "X", yaxislabel => "Y", zaxislabel => "Z", vectorcolor => "RGBColor[1.0,0.0,0.0]", vectorscale => 0.2, vectorthickness => 0.01, outputtype => 4, ); |
Setting |
Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_TEXT $BCENTER \{ Live3Ddata( $plot, image => "cool-vector-field.png", size => [400,400], tex_size => 600, tex_center => 1, scale => 1, ); \} $ECENTER END_TEXT Context()->normalStrings; |
Main Text:
To display the string of plot data
After you construct the vector field you like, don't forget to take a screen shot of it and make an image file such as |
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1; ENDDOCUMENT(); |
Answer Evaluation: We didn't ask any questions, so this is uninteresting. |