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Database design notes
Data Objects
INSTITUTION: groups together courses (e.g, UBC Math Dept)
COURSE: (e.g. Math 100)
SECTION: (e.g. Math 100/Section 1A)
* belongs to a COURSE * inherits problem sets from a course * overrides due dates * has list of USERS (students, profs, ta's)
USER: agent identifying a human agent interacting with WeBWorK
* has a unique userid * may have different roles in different courses/sections * has password or other authentication credentials * contact information?
PROBLEM-ASSIGNMENT: an instance of a problem in an assignment
* has weight * has number of attempts * has preamble, postamble * has parent (to allow hierarchy)
PROBLEM-SET: a named collection of PROBLEM-ASSIGNMENTs (e.g. homework or quiz)
ASSIGNMENT: an association of a USER with a PROBLEM-SET
* has open and close dates * has type (HW, quiz) * has random seed * can be over-ridden by a different PROBLEM-SET
* record of a student interaction with a problem from an assignment * records present answer and past attempts
* System wide * Institution wide * Course specific * Section specific
LOG: a record of significant events
* examples: assignment created, assignment opened, student added, student dropped, course created, grade changed, configuration changes, etc. * System wide * Institution wide * Course specific * Section specific