Sage in WeBWorK
Sage is an open source, online symbolic mathematical system. Details on Sage can be found at .
For use within WebWork, a special "single-cell" version of Sage is located at
## Template for calling Sage from within a WebWork pg file ## BEGIN_DESCRIPTION ## Sample problem embedding Sage in WW ## END_DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( "", "", "" ); TEXT(beginproblem()); Context("Numeric"); ####### Answers to check by WeBWorK go in the list below. $ansList = List("(pi)"); ####### Possible Upper WeBWorK text Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_TEXT This is where WeBWorK problem text above the sage cell goes. END_TEXT Context()->normalStrings; #### Sage Cell Server #### Paste your code below fixing @ and $ #### Store any answers to send back as a list using the function below. #### making certain that is tabbed over correctly $SageCode = <<SAGE_CODE; var('a') a = pi record_answer((a)) SAGE_CODE Sage( SageCode=>$SageCode, AutoEvaluateCell=>'true' ); ####### WeBWorK text display following the Sage cell Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_TEXT When you are comfortable with the coefficients that you have chosen, press the submit button below. END_TEXT Context()->normalStrings; ######### Answer Evaluation $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1; NAMED_ANS( sageAnswer => $ansList->cmp ); ENDDOCUMENT(); # This should be the last executable line in the problem.
The example shows how to pass perl variables from the problem initialization into the sage block.
where << SAGE_CODE without single quotes is necessary. However, the Sage code will not execute if no variables are actually passed in. Since $ and @ within the Sage code are now interpreted by perl, all latex delimiters should be converted from $ signs to \ ( and \ ) pairs. Additionally, any @interact needs to be escaped and written as ~~@interact
If you are not passing any variables, use:
where <<'SAGE_CODE' tells perl not to interpret variables. Sage code can then be pasted in verbatim without any need to convert formatting or escaping other characters.