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WeBWorK Warning Messages When Deleting Courses

WeBWorK Warning Messages When Deleting Courses

by Sherman Wong -
Number of replies: 5

I would like to delete "old" WeBWorK sections, i.e., sections that are at least one year old.  I have been using the "Course Administration" interface to perform this task.  However, recently, each time that I've deleted a section, the program responds with a message that the deletion of the section was successful, but then there is a long list of WeBWorK warnings.  Moreover, when I refresh the page, I get the following error message:

An error occured while deleting the course MTH2003_JM13C_S07:

sql_single: failed to execute SQL statement 'DROP TABLE `MTH2003_JM13C_S07_problem_user`;': Unknown table 'MTH2003_JM13C_S07_problem_user'

I don't wish to damage the database.  I'd appreciate any assistance in the explanation of the error message.  I do have a copy of the long list of warnings if it would be of help.

Thank you.

Sherman Wong

In reply to Sherman Wong

Re: WeBWorK Warning Messages When Deleting Courses

by Gavin LaRose -
Hi Sherman,

It sounds to me as if the initial attempt to delete the course only partially succeeded, so that when you try again the attempt fails because at least some of the database tables have already been removed.

At this point it's probably hard to figure out what you have in the system if you don't have access to the server and mySQL running on it. The first thing to look for is whether the course directory for the deleted course is still there, and then to see if their are any tables for the course left in the database. I think the list of courses at the webwork2/ URL is generated by looking for course directories, so you can probably see if the directory is there by looking at the list of courses. To check to see what the state of the mySQL tables is will probably require being able to connect to the mySQL server directly and doing a "show tables" in the webwork database.

If you can post the error(s) (or a synopsis thereof) that you get when trying to delete a course we can try and figure out why it's throwing the warnings.

In reply to Gavin LaRose

Re: WeBWorK Warning Messages When Deleting Courses

by Sherman Wong -
Hi Gavin:
I appreciate your help on this matter. Below I'm copying the list of warnings that I initially see after the program reports that the deletion has been successful. The list is rather long.
Thank you once again for your help.

Warning messages

  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/html/images read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/html/tmp read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/logs read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/email read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/macros read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/html read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/DATA/.auth read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07 read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/DATA read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/scoring read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setALF read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setBNF read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setChR read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setCir read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setCtS read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setDR1 read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setDR2 read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setEcF read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setGJR read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setISI read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setImD read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setLCo read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setLIA read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setLiE read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setLin read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setMBO read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setMFR read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setMMu read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setMoF read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setNLI read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setNeM read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setQFA read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setQuE read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setQuF read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setReR read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setReg read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324
  • Can't make directory /usr/local/webwork2/courses/MTH2003_JM13C_S07/templates/setSCD read+writeable: Operation not permitted at /usr/local/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/Utils/CourseManagement.pm line 324

In reply to Sherman Wong

Re: WeBWorK Warning Messages When Deleting Courses

by Gavin LaRose -
Hi Sherman,

What version of WeBWorK are you running? I'm having trouble seeing where we'd get these error messages from the indicated section of the code, which probably means that you're using a sufficiently different version that I haven't looked in the right place yet.

In reply to Sherman Wong

Re: WeBWorK Warning Messages When Deleting Courses

by Michael Gage -
Hi Sherman,

I think this error is different from the first one you mention. This looks like a permissions error. Make sure that the webserver has read and write permissions on all of the directories from "courses" on down.

-- Mike