This is somewhat complicated, so bear with me...
/webwork2_course_files is a URL. /local/webwork2/courses is a directory. These values correspond to the variables $webwork_courses_url and $webwork_courses_dir, respectively.
The code in the apache config file webwork.apache-config reads global.conf and uses those two values to construct the following AliasMatch directive:
AliasMatch $webwork_courses_url/([^/]*)/(.*) $webwork_courses_dir/$1/html/$2
In your case, this will map a URL like:
/webwork2_course_files/test_course/tmp/hardcopy/test_course.professor.Set4.pdf the file:
If you look in your Apache error log, you will probably see lines like:
[Tue Jul 20 18:39:44 2004] [error] [client] File does
not exist:
In that case, the $webwork_courses_dir variable is set to /some/crazy/path instead of to /local/webwork2/courses. Edit global.conf to fix it.
If you see different error messages, or none at all, let me know.
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