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Feedback emails

Feedback emails

by Maria Nogin -
Number of replies: 9
Is it possible to set it up so that every instructor in a course receives feedback emails only from students in their own section (rather than all instructors receive all emails)?
In reply to Maria Nogin

Re: Feedback emails

by Maria Nogin -
Or may be at least indicate the section in the subject of the email? Then it would be easy for each instructor to see which emails are from their students.
In reply to Maria Nogin

Re: Feedback emails

by Raghu Gompa -
Dear Maria,

When you choose E-mail option under course configuration, you will be able to specify what you would like in the Format for the subject line in feedback e-mails. For example:

[WWfeedback] course:%c user:%u set:%s prob:%p sec:%x rec:%r

Hope this helps.

I would like to know the answer to your original question: Is it possible to set it up so that every instructor in a course receives feedback emails only from students in their own section (rather than all instructors receive all emails)?

I wait for the experts to help.


In reply to Raghu Gompa

Re: Feedback emails

by Gavin LaRose -
Hi Raghu and Maria,

Prior to release 2.4.5 it was not possible to restrict feedback e-mail by class section. I believe this is possible as of the 2.4.5 release, however. In the global.conf or course.conf file, I believe one can set $feedback_by_section = 1 to make feedback be sent only to the instructor of a section.

In reply to Maria Nogin

Re: Feedback emails

by Arnold Pizer -
Hi Maria,

In global.conf you will see the lines:

# If this value is true, feedback will only be sent to users with the same
# section as the user initiating the feedback.
$feedback_by_section = 0;

You should set this to 1 and then make sure that the professors and TA's are in the same section as their students.

If you just wanted this to apply to a single course, copy this to course.conf and of course set $feedback_by_section = 1;

In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Feedback emails

by Jason Aubrey -
Hi All,

Is it possible to have the email from two or more sections sent to the same instructor? E.g. suppose I have T. Cher teaching sections 3 and 5, and I want all email from both sections to go to him? In that case, maybe I could count section 3 as a "Section" in WW and section 5 as a recitation? (Does feedback by section work for recitations too?) But even if that works, what if T. Cher has to teach more than 2 sections?

In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Feedback emails

by Arnold Pizer -
Following is an exchange of emails (slightly edited) that I had with Dan Margalit <dan.margalit@tufts.edu> that others might find useful.

Hi Arnie,

I found this on the WebWork forum. Am I correct that this is a setting for the whole server (and not for a particular class)? If so, what is the setting on the server at Rochester where I have our Tufts U course?




Hi Maria,

In global.conf you will see the lines:

# If this value is true, feedback will only be sent to users with the same
# section as the user initiating the feedback.
$feedback_by_section = 0;

You should set this to 1 and then make sure that the professors and TA's are in the same section as their students.

If you just wanted this to apply to a single course, copy this to course.conf and of course set $feedback_by_section = 1;


In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Feedback emails

by Arnold Pizer -
From Dan:

Thanks - this is great!

I followed your instructions successfully, but something is still not right.

I changed the default level that gets feedback email to "nobody". I added the emails for me and Elena to the list of emails that can receive email from a feedback button. I changed my section to 1 and Elena's to 2, and I gave section numbers to some students. I thought then that if a student from section 2 sent a feedback, it would only go to Elena, but I am still getting it.

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Feedback emails

by Arnold Pizer -
Hi Dan,

My guess (only a guess since I can't see) is that when you say "I added the emails for me and Elena to the list of emails that can receive email from a feedback button." you put this in the box: "E-mail addresses which can receive e-mail from a pg problem". This is not feedback but rather emailed responses from a pg problem such as questionnaires, TA evaluations, essay answers, etc that you want emailed directly to someone.

Also you want to set "E-mail feedback from students automatically sent to this permission level and higher" to ta or prof. If it is set to nobody, the system doesn't search for people and in particular doesn't search for prof's in section 1, etc.

In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Feedback emails

by Arnold Pizer -
From Dan:

Hi Arnie,

This is what worked for me (pasted from an email I sent to our IT people):

First, you need to change the course configuration file (one can also change the global .conf file,
but I don't know how to do that). To change the course configuration, log in, go to File Manager,
click the ^ button to go to the parent directory, click on course.conf, hit the copy button to
make a backup if you want, then hit edit and add the line:

$feedback_by_section = 1;

Thanks for your help!