I haven't updated to 10.3.8 yet (I don't like to make major updates
during the term), so I don't know what issues might arise. After your
question, I did download the update and looked through the files that
it changes, and it updates Apache, mod_perl and perl (among other
things). I don't know if they have fixed their mod_perl, so it is worth
a try recompiling that. It seems that you did and it didn't help. Note,
however, that since perl has been updated, you might want to recompile
from a fresh copy of mod_perl. That is, unpack the mod_perl source into
a fresh directry and make it from scratch. If you simply remake the
copy in the directory you used before, it might not notice the new
version of perl, and that might mean it has made decisions based on the
old version. (If you must recompile in the same directory, then at
least be sure to run "make clean" first, and rerun configure.)
To issue the addcourse command, run the Terminal program that is in the
Utilities folder of the Applications folder, and then issue the 'sudo
-u www-data addcourse' there. You may need to substitue soemthing else
for 'www-data' depending on your configuration.
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