I just installed WW 2.2.1 under apache 1.3.27 running on freebsd 4.11.
For the life of me I can't seem to make sense of what paths/urls to use
in global.conf and webwork.apache.config. I've tried every permutation
I can think of and I still get errors in the apache log.
Here's my setup. The top level directory is /usr/www/webwork. Underneath I see directories like courses, htdocs and conf.
In the current iteration, in /usr/www/webwork/conf/global.conf I have:
$webwork_url = "/webwork";
$pg_dir = "/usr/www/pg";
$webwork_htdocs_url = "/webwork/htdocs";
$webwork_htdocs_dir = "$webwork_dir/htdocs";
$webwork_courses_url = "/webwork/courses";
$webwork_courses_dir = "$webwork_dir/courses";
In webwork.apache-config I have:
my $webwork_dir = "/usr/www/webwork";
But when I go to the URL ..../webwork, in the logs I see:
[Thu Aug 3 16:39:13 2006] [error] [client]
[/webwork/htdocs/css/math.css] Course 'htdocs' not found: No such file
or directory at /usr/www/webwork/lib/WeBWorK.pm line 208.
I'm probably being dense, but can someone tell me where I went wrong?
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