topic started 9/12/2006; 11:51:25 AM last post 9/12/2006; 8:59:13 PM |
9/12/2006; 8:59:13 PM (reads: 295, responses: 0) |
It could be the problem -- I'm not sure what mysql does if it runs out of disk space and can't accept new data. We don't have a tool built for importing answers. The webwork2/bin/wwsh utility is a shell that allows you to run lowlevel database commands (e.g. the commands in DB) but it would take some work to craft a script that would insert answers in the right place. You'll need to determine whether it is worth it or not. If the number of students is not large, then either an extension or marking the answers to certain questions correct for everyone might solve the problem. (You can do the latter on the homework sets editor page.) I'm assuming that the behavior of dropped answers has ceased now that there is sufficient disk space. ? You can let me know what you decide to do and I'll help where I can. -- Mike |