Hi Gavin
Thanks for the input. Below are 2 error messages and some MySQL query output (I have changed the user_id fields due to our privacy laws).
The error messages below were obtained by user1, user2 did not get any error messages today, although he did yesterday. All of the sample data below was gathered from a freshly created gateway quiz using the same problem groups as previous tests with the same errors. Note on v1 of the test user1 got a null version_creation_time in the database. Similarly, the errors are on lines that reference the version_creation_time variable.
WeBWorK Warnings
WeBWorK has encountered warnings while processing your request. If
this occured when viewing a problem, it was likely caused by an error
or ambiguity in that problem. Otherwise, it may indicate a problem
with the WeBWorK system itself. If you are a student, report these
warnings to your professor to have them corrected. If you are a
professor, please consult the warning output below for more information.
Warning messages
* Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at
/usr/local/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/GatewayQuiz.pm line
Request information
Time Tue Jun 23 13:29:02 2009
Method GET
URI /webwork2/MathSkills/quiz_mode/Math_Skills_Test_04/
WeBWorK Warnings
WeBWorK has encountered warnings while processing your request. If
this occured when viewing a problem, it was likely caused by an error
or ambiguity in that problem. Otherwise, it may indicate a problem
with the WeBWorK system itself. If you are a student, report these
warnings to your professor to have them corrected. If you are a
professor, please consult the warning output below for more information.
Warning messages
* Argument "" isn't numeric in localtime at
/usr/local/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/ProblemSets.pm line
Request information
Time Tue Jun 23 13:35:39 2009
Method GET
URI /webwork2/MathSkills/
select set_id, user_id, open_date, due_date, published, time_interval, version_time_limit, version_creation_time from MathSkills_set_user where set_id like '%Test_04%' order by set_id, user_id;
| Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | user1 | 1244552700 | 1529154300 | 1 | 60 | 1800 | NULL |
| Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | user2 | 1245768927 | 1245770727 | 1 | 60 | 1800 | 1245768927 |
| Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | user1 | 1245778139 | 1245779939 | 1 | 60 | 1800 | 1245778139 |
| Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | user1 | 1245778431 | 1245780231 | 1 | 60 | 1800 | 1245778431 |
select user_id, set_id, problem_id, source_file from MathSkills_problem_user where set_id like '%Test_04%';
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 1 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra28ExpFunctions/srw4_1_1.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 2 | Library/ASU-topics/setExponentialFunctions/srw4_1_29.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 3 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra28ExpFunctions/srw4_1_33.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 4 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra31LogExpApplications/decay2.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 5 | Library/ASU-topics/setLogarithmicFunctions/beth1.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 6 | Library/ASU-topics/setLogarithmicFunctions/srw4_3_41-42.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 7 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra29LogFunctions/beth1logfun.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 8 | Library/ASU-topics/setLogarithmicFunctions/jj1.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 9 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra30LogExpEqns/srw4_2_23.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 1 | Library/ASU-topics/setExponentialFunctions/srw4_1_3.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 2 | Library/ASU-topics/setExponentialFunctions/srw4_1_31.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 3 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra28ExpFunctions/srw4_1_9.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 4 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra31LogExpApplications/srw4_5_21.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 5 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra29LogFunctions/problem1.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 6 | Library/ASU-topics/setLogarithmicFunctions/beth3logfun.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 7 | Library/ASU-topics/setLogarithmicFunctions/jj2.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 8 | Library/ASU-topics/setLogarithmicFunctions/srw4_5_10.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 9 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra30LogExpEqns/srw4_4_72.pg |
| user2 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v1 | 10 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra30LogExpEqns/problem15.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 1 | Library/Michigan/Chap1Sec2/Q38.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 2 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra28ExpFunctions/ur_le_1_5.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 3 | Library/Michigan/Chap1Sec2/Q20.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 4 | Library/ASU-topics/setExponentialFunctions/sw6_2_13.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 5 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra29LogFunctions/sw6_3_13.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 6 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra29LogFunctions/sw6_3_3.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 7 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra29LogFunctions/srw4_2_59.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 8 | Library/ASU-topics/setLogarithmicFunctions/srw4_5_10.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 9 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra30LogExpEqns/problem4.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v2 | 10 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra30LogExpEqns/problem8.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 1 | Library/Michigan/Chap1Sec4/Q39.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 2 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra28ExpFunctions/ur_log_1_3.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 3 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra28ExpFunctions/srw4_1_11.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 4 | Library/Michigan/Chap1Sec4/Q36.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 5 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra29LogFunctions/srw4_3_49.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 6 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra29LogFunctions/sw6_3_3.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 7 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra29LogFunctions/srw4_2_59.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 8 | Library/ASU-topics/setLogarithmicFunctions/srw4_5_1.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 9 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra30LogExpEqns/srw4_4_72.pg |
| user1 | Math_Skills_Test_04,v3 | 10 | Library/Rochester/setAlgebra30LogExpEqns/srw4_2_37.pg |