I have uploaded two versions of Doug's "Certificate of Accomplishment" to the WeBWorK Consultants's course: http://webwork.maa.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=8
Here are the descriptions:
Doug Magomo's blank "Certificate of Accomplishment" for demo workshops. This is a png version so you can see what it looks like.
Doug Magomo's blank "Certificate of Accomplishment" for demo workshops. This is a 7zip'ed version of the original psd (Adobe Photoshop) version. You can edit this version if you have access to Photoshop. I 7zip'ed this because gzip only gave minor compression. 7zip is available for most operating systems. Google it to find out how to install and use it (e.g. http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/04/7z-7zip-7za-file-compression/)
Thanks Doug for providing this.
Just a small edit but should there not be a capitol K at the end of WeBWorK?
Not a biggie...
Not a biggie...