Here's the complete code. The problem is a bit complicated because there's a choice of 3 different functions, then (left over from a previous version, where I had matching and wanted the linear equations to have no common integer factor) some ad hoc stuff for getting rid of gcd's. But, as I say, the problem works and grades correctly except for the error message.
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;
$f = 'f\left(\begin{array}{c} x\\y\\z \end{array}\right)';
# defining a procedure to repeat in case any partial derivative comes out 0
$P = ColumnVector($a,$b,$c);
do{$k=random(1,5,1)} until ($k!=$e);
@fn = ("x^2 + y^3 + z^4",
"x^3 + $d x z^2+ y^2 z+ $e y^3",
"$e y z^2 + $d x^$k z^5",
"e^($c x - $a z) tan($c y - $b z + $l pi/4) + x y + $j z",
"e^($d x-y+$j z+(-$a*$d+$b-$c*$j)) + $e xz^2");
@choice = NchooseK($#fn,3);
@subfn = @fn[@choice];
for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++)
$fx[$i]=$f[$i]->D('x')->eval(x=>$a, y=>$b, z=>$c);
$fy[$i]=$f[$i]->D('y')->eval(x=>$a, y=>$b, z=>$c);
$fz[$i]=$f[$i]->D('z')->eval(x=>$a, y=>$b, z=>$c);
$fval[$i]=$f[$i]->eval(x=>$a, y=>$b, z=>$c);
$gcd1[$i]=gcd($fx[$i],$fy[$i]); $gcd[$i]=gcd($gcd1[$i],$fz[$i]);
if($gcd[$i]>1) {$fx[$i]=$fx[$i]/$gcd[$i]; $fy[$i]=$fy[$i]/$gcd[$i];
if($fx[$i]<0) {$fx[$i]=-$fx[$i]; $fy[$i]=-$fy[$i];
$ansrh[$i]=$ans[$i]->eval(x=>$a, y=>$b, z=>$c);
redo PROC if ($fx[$i]*$fy[$i]*$fz[$i]==0);
$plane[$i] = Formula("$ans[$i]-$ansrh[$i]")->reduce;}}
Context() -> texStrings;
Let \(\mathbf{a} = $P \). Give an equation of the tangent plane of the given level surface \($f = c\ \) at \(\mathbf{a}\).
Note that the constant \(c\) is chosen so that \(f(\mathbf a) = c\).
Note that in each case we have provided the right-hand side "\( = 0\)" of your equation.
(a) \($f=$ques[0]=$fval[0]\)
\{ans_rule(50)\} \( = 0\)
(b) \($f=$ques[1]=$fval[1]\)
\{ans_rule(50)\} \( = 0\)
(c) \($f=$ques[2]=$fval[2]\)
\{ans_rule(50)\} \( = 0\)
ANS($plane[0]->cmp(checker => sub {
my ( $correct, $student, $self ) = @_;
my $context = Context()->copy;
return 0 if $student == 0;
my $c0 = Formula($context,'C0');
$student = Formula($context,$student);
$correct = Formula($context, "$c0 * ($plane[0])");
return $correct == $student;
ANS($plane[1]->cmp(checker => sub {
my ( $correct, $student, $self ) = @_;
my $context = Context()->copy;
return 0 if $student == 0;
my $c1 = Formula($context,'C1');
$student = Formula($context,$student);
$correct = Formula($context, "$c1 * ($plane[1])");
return $correct == $student;
ANS($plane[2]->cmp(checker => sub {
my ( $correct, $student, $self ) = @_;
my $context = Context()->copy;
return 0 if $student == 0;
my $c2 = Formula($context,'C2');
$student = Formula($context,$student);
$correct = Formula($context, "$c2 * ($plane[2])");
return $correct == $student;