I recently adjusted the setting in Course Configuration -> Permissions -> Allowed to view past answers to "student". However, I recently discovered that all I did was give the students a button on each problem for "Show Past Answers" that when clicked gives them a page with the error
You are not authorized to access the instructor tools
So in effect, I've just teased them with the ability to see their past answers. Is there a way to remedy this?
The Show Past Answers page would have to be redesigned in order to allow it to work for students. As it currently stands, it could be used to view other student's answers as well. (Note the input areas at the top of the page, which can be used to search for other users/problem-sets/problem-numbers, even using wildcards.
The code that creates the Show Past Answers page could be modified to include that panel only when appropriate (and to check carefully that otherwise the current user matches the one requested). But the code needs to be changed before that will work.
The code that creates the Show Past Answers page could be modified to include that panel only when appropriate (and to check carefully that otherwise the current user matches the one requested). But the code needs to be changed before that will work.