I'm trying to help a Kenyan math department adopt webwork. (woohoo!) We're running a test-course at the moment, which should help get one of the local lecturers well trained in using webwork, and help us iron out any kinks.
The big kink we've hit so far is that the Africa/Nairobi timezone is producing errors. When saving changes to the due date of a problem set (for example) one gets an error saying that the EAT time zone is not recognized. One can manually remove all of the timezone markers from the due dates and save successfully, but it's quite a pain. Another workaround is to temporarily change the course timezone to America/Toronto, do the required work, and then change back to Africa/Nairobi.
But really there should be some changes to the code base to make things work across all time zones.
So, I would have expected this to work. What sort of errors are you seeing?
Also, I just now switched one of my courses to that timezone and it seems to work just fine. It could be something about your system in particular - if you can show us some error messages it might help.
Setting the time zone seems to work just fine; it's doing actual work while it's set to Africa/Nairobi that brings trouble. Here's an error message generated after attempting to change one of the problem set due dates by one minute:
Error messages
Time zone 'EAT' not recognized.
Call stack
The information below can help locate the source of the problem.
in WeBWorK::Utils::parseDateTime called at line 2039 of /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator.pm
in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::parseDateTime called at line 1437 of /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/Instructor/ProblemSetList.pm
in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::Instructor::ProblemSetList::saveEdit_handler called at line 387 of /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/Instructor/ProblemSetList.pm
in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::Instructor::ProblemSetList::initialize called at line 196 of /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator.pm
in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::go called at line 371 of /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK.pm
Removing the EAT from all of the timestamps in the 'edit homework set' page allows it to process correctly, but is kind of a pain...
Yes, I think I had actually run across that explanation before. Unfortunately, WebWork defaults to including the (in my case) EAT in the date string. Is it possible to change something within webwork so that this abbreviation isn't included in the date string? I'm trying to get the system streamlined such that it can be easily used by a group of lecturers who aren't very tech-savvy.
See here for an image:
My guess is line 554. If so, then one solution is to edit lib/WeBWorK/Utils.pm. The line:
my $offset = tz_offset($zone, $utc_epoch) or die "Time zone '$zone' not recognized.\n";
Change it to a conditional, maybe something like
if($zone =~ /EAT/i) {
my $offset = 3*60*60; #since EAT is UTC/GMT +3 and offset is in seconds
} else {
my $offset = tz_offset($zone, $utc_epoch) or die "Time zone '$zone' not recognized.\n";
That's sort of a hack, but it should work.
The "error" that I found would only fail for entering the date as '12/31/2012, 9:07am EAT'. The search for changing the comma to an ' at ' should probably preceed the search for changing the 'at' to ' at '.
But your problem is in the Zone.pm file at /usr/share/perl5/Time. There are no african timezones defined here. You probably should contact the authors and get them added for a long term fix. The short term fix would be to add "eat" as an option in this file.
I'll see if I can figure out who in the perl upstream to bug about fixing this.