I'm working on a problem that gives the student an equation of the form
(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2
and asks the student to enter one of the form
abs(z-(h+ki)) = r,
using two blanks separated by an equals sign. I would like the student to be able
to enter the answers in either order, which presently doesn't work, but I can
live with that. The problem seems to work fine otherwise. However, it is
throwing some errors I haven't been able to figure out. Here is the source; I paste the errors after. Thanks for any insight you can give.
## Find a complex equation for a line in the plane.
##KEYWORDS("complex", "circle")
## DBsubject("Complex analysis")
## DBchapter("Elementary functions")
## DBsection("Polynomials and rational functions")
## Date("01/10/2014")
## Author("Dave Rosoff")
## Institution("College of Idaho")
## TitleText1("Geometry")
## EditionText1("1")
## AuthorText1("Hitchman")
## Section1("4.2")
## Problem1("1")
"PGstandard.pl", # Standard macros for PG language
#"source.pl", # allows code to be displayed on certain sites.
#"PGcourse.pl", # Customization file for the course
# Print problem number and point value (weight) for the problem
# Show which answers are correct and which ones are incorrect
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
# Setup
$h = non_zero_random(-10,10);
$k = non_zero_random(-10,10);
$r = non_zero_random(1,7); # circle with center (h,k) and radius r
$rsq = Formula("$r^2");
$circx = Formula("x - $h")->reduce;
$circy = Formula("y - $k")->reduce; # for nice displaying
$center = Complex($h,$k);
$circz = Formula("abs(z - ($center))");
$multians = MultiAnswer($circz, $r)->with(
checkTypes => 0,
singleResult => 1,
checker => sub {
my ( $correct, $student, $self ) = @_;
my ( $f1stu, $f2stu ) = @{$student};
my ( $f1, $f2 ) = @{$correct};
if ( (( (ref($f1) eq ref($f1stu)) && ($f1 == $f1stu) ) && ( (ref($f2) eq ref($f2stu)) && ($f2 == $f2stu) )) ||
(( (ref($f1) eq ref($f2stu)) && ($f1 == $f2stu) ) && ( (ref($f2) eq ref($f1stu)) && ($f2 == $f1stu) )) ) {
return [1,1];
} else {
if (( (ref($f1) eq ref($f1stu)) && ($f1 == $f1stu) ) || ( (ref($f2) eq ref($f1stu)) && ($f2 == $f1stu) )) {
return [1,0];
} elsif (( (ref($f1) eq ref($f2stu)) && ($f1 == $f2stu) ) || ( (ref($f2) eq ref($f2stu)) && ($f2 == $f2stu) )) {
return [0,1];
} else {
return [0,0];
# Text
Find the complex equation of the circle [`([$circx])^2 + ([$circy])^2 = [$rsq]`]. Type [`\mathrm{abs}(z)`] for [`\lvert z \rvert`].
[________]{$multians} = [________]{$multians}
# Answers
This throws the following errors:
Warning messages
Use of uninitialized value $ans_name in hash element at /opt/webwork/pg/lib/WeBWorK/PG/Translator.pm line 1204
Use of uninitialized value in scalar assignment at /opt/webwork/pg/lib/WeBWorK/PG/Translator.pm line 1453
Use of uninitialized value $ans_name in hash element at /opt/webwork/pg/lib/WeBWorK/PG/Translator.pm line 1208
Use of uninitialized value $ans_name in hash element at /opt/webwork/pg/lib/WeBWorK/PG/Translator.pm line 1209
Use of uninitialized value $ans_name in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/webwork/pg/lib/WeBWorK/PG/Translator.pm line 1226
Use of uninitialized value $ans_name in hash element at /opt/webwork/pg/lib/WeBWorK/PG/Translator.pm line 1246
Use of uninitialized value $_ in hash element at /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/Problem.pm line 225.
Use of uninitialized value $name in hash element at /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/Problem.pm line 262.
Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator/Problem.pm line 1637.