I can select a problem and edit it, but if I click on Render All Problems, the system times out. I get an error box (actually two). The first says
Webwork2InstructorXMLHandler - Timeout
The second gives an option to ignore future error messages. In any case, the system never compiles the problems.
Any suggestions on where to start, for example one of the conf files? The OPL , PG and Mathjax are all up to date. I have restarted apache2 with no improvments.
- The javascript console in your web browser. This differs from browser to browser, but is usually among the developer tools. This may give you a more meaningful error message.
- The apache error logs.
Here is one of the errors I found in error.log within var/log/apache2
[Tue Mar 28 11:36:03.283189 2017] [perl:error] [pid 28455] [client] [/webwork2/instructorXMLHandler] Error message for command: renderProblem \n<br/>faultcode: 404 \n<br/>faultstring: WebworkWebservice: Can't authenticate -- session may have timed out. \n<br/>End error message<br/>\n * in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::instructorXMLHandler::content called at line 233 of /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK/ContentGenerator.pm\n * in WeBWorK::ContentGenerator::go called at line 382 of /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WeBWorK.pm, referer: http://mathdev.oit.edu/webwork2/3_Spring_Fischer_M112_2017/instructor/sets2/HW1.2_Radian_Formulas/?effectiveUser=fischerj&user=fischerj&key=3fSXGaTgJTMrpbmrxAHEOtQ0SX5Zz4Dw
Error message for command: renderProblem
<br/>faultcode: 404
<br/>faultstring: WebworkWebservice: Can't authenticate -- session may have timed out.
<br/>End error message<br/>
[Wed Mar 29 13:08:27.437553 2017] [core:notice] [pid 2529] AH00052: child pid 3871 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
I do not know whether this is related. I am however not using 2.12, but merged
into the the master branch:
Is there an apache or other setting that I can adjust that might help remedy the situation?
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
StartServers 5
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
MaxRequestWorkers 5
MaxConnectionsPerChild 50
Instructions from the installation manual for 2.12 say the following:
For WeBWorK a rough rule of thumb is 5 MaxRequestWorkers per 1 GB of memory MaxRequestWorkers 5 MaxConnectionsPerChild 50
So I guess I need to change MaxRequestWorkers to 20.
What if any other parameters should I change to improve server speed? I noticed that when my class was in the computer lab and we had say 20 seats running webwork , the system was very very slow.
Later Edit: Tried changing the last two numbers, then restart apache2. Settled with
MaxRequestWorkers 25
MaxConnectionsPerChild 200
The editor now can render all with assignment as big as 15 problems. It timed out on a larger set with several graphics questions. But was able to render almost all, then I could render the last couple by clicking on individual render icon.
So the change was definitely good, I still wonder what numbers to use for optimal performance. I suspect the slowness in the computer lab will improve as well.
There were a lot of errors
500 Can't connect to ebwork.cegepmontpetit.ca:443 at /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/WebworkClient.pm line 293.
End Errors
xmlrpcCall to renderProblem returned no result for
[Fri Nov 03 09:07:37.491972 2017] [perl:error] [pid 19901] [client] [/webwork2/instructorXMLHandler] xmlrpcCall to renderProblem returned no result for$
I have the correct URL https://mydomaine set for $server_root_url.
I don't have the error message every time I check "Render All" on Homework problem set editor.