The achievements editor allows to assign achievements to existing users. Is there a way to automatically assign achievements to new (LTI) users?
I don't believe you can do this yet but the modifications needed to add this feature would not be too big. 

Most of the hooks for doing this are in place but LTI is new enough that no-one
has implemented this feature.
shows a callback that allows you to modify user data and set data. We could add a call-back that allows you to modify achievement data as well.
I wonder whether the automatic assignment of achievements should only affect new users that authenticate via LTI or all new users. I suspect that in most situations one does not want to discriminate between users authenticating in different ways. I also think that this feature should be configurable.
So I wonder if a checkbox "Assign all (enabled?) achievements to all new users" in the achievements editor would make sense.
What do you think?
So I wonder if a checkbox "Assign all (enabled?) achievements to all new users" in the achievements editor would make sense.
What do you think?