R works only if I add back the following lines to the new localoverrides.conf file:
push @{$pg{modules}},
[qw( Statistics::R::IO::Rserve )],
[qw( Statistics::R::IO::ParserState )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Character )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Double )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Environment )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::GlobalEnvironment )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Integer )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Language )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::List )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Logical )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Null )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Raw )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Symbol )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Unknown )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP::Vector )],
[qw( Statistics::R::REXP )],
[qw( IO::File )],
[qw( IO::Handle )],
[qw( Moose )],
[qw( Class::MOP )];
Without those lines I am getting error messages like the following
Can't locate package Moose::Object for @Statistics::R::IO::Rserve::ISA at constructor Statistics::R::IO::Rserve::new (defined at /usr/local/share/perl5/Statistics/R/IO/Rserve.pm line 357) line 9
I don't understand why these lines are missing from the new localOverrides.conf file. Could somebody explain it to me? Or maybe they should not be there but I am doing something wrong?