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Model Course missing on our server

Model Course missing on our server

by Murphy Waggoner -
Number of replies: 4
We have our own WeBWorK server.

Am I correct in understanding that when creating a new course using the website, a model course is copied in? My ITS guy says that we con't have a model course. Maybe it got deleted sometime.

How would I go about recreating the model course? Is it just a matter of creating a course with the correct name?

Thanks, Murphy
In reply to Murphy Waggoner

Re: Model Course missing on our server

by Andras Balogh -
I have a symbolic link from

The directory itself has the "standard" course files and directories:

I myself made changes to them by for example creating custom header files, and changing some of the default .def files.
In reply to Andras Balogh

Re: Model Course missing on our server

by Murphy Waggoner -
Thanks. However, it sounds as if you are looking at the problem from the view of the server that WeBWorK is on. I don't have access to our server, only access through our WW website. I'm not sure what you mean by a symbolic link. Why did you have to create the link?
In reply to Murphy Waggoner

Re: Model Course missing on our server

by Danny Glin -
When creating a new course, you can choose if you want content copied from any existing course. There is a model course shipped with WeBWorK, but it is not in the courses directory, so to use it you need to either copy it there or create the symbolic link that Andras describes. Either of these requires access to the server.

You have the option of creating a course to use as a model for future courses (or even multiple model courses). Then when you create a new course you can select whichever one you want as a base. Note that when you copy content from an old course, it only copies files, so assignments are not copied. The best way to handle this is to export your assignments in the old course. Then they will be available to import into the new course.
In reply to Danny Glin

Re: Model Course missing on our server

by Murphy Waggoner -
Thanks for the help. My ITS guy has installed WW 2.13 on a test server for me so I could author some WW problems using Rserve. I see that there is a model course there. That resolves our problem for creating new courses from scratch instead of copying from an old course.