I'm working with the following problem (much simplified).
DOCUMENT() loadMacros( "PGstandard.pl", "MathObjects.pl", ) Context("Numeric"); $a1 = List( (1,2) ); $a2 = List( (2,3) ); $ans = List( $a1,$a2 ); TEXT(beginproblem()); Context()->texStrings; BEGIN_TEXT ans = \{ ans_rule(15) \} END_TEXT Context()->normalStrings; ANS( $ans->cmp() ); ENDDOCUMENT();
In this, the checker allows the lists (1,2)
and (2,3)
to be entered in either order, but requires that the inner lists (1,2)
and (2,3)
be entered in the order given.
I'm sure there is an obvious reason why this is, and thus an obvious fix. But I'm not seeing it. How do I allow the inner lists to be entered in any order?