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Announcement: 3rd WeBWorK online planning conference

Announcement: 3rd WeBWorK online planning conference

by Michael Gage -
Number of replies: 0
3rd WeBWorK online planning conference

Topic: 3rd WeBWorK planning meeting
Time: Wednesday, Jul 11, 2018 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Folder of shared documents: minutes, notes, draft lists of duties, etc.

There have been two previous conferences this summer on May 24 and on June 25. The rough
minutes can be found in the shared folder above. (June 25)

The planning involves creating a structure (loosely based on MAA’s SIGMAA chapters) for guiding continued development of the community supporting WeBWorK software. For now we are concentrating on describing the duties for three positions (and their assistants/shadows):

  1. President/Director: Temporarily filled by John Travis, assistant: Mike Gage
  2. Community Organizer/Program manager: Temporarily filled by Danny Glin, assistant George Jennings
  3. Secretary-Treasurer: Temporarily filled by Mike Gage, assistant Arnie Pizer

(The temporary occupants of the positions have been charged with preparing a list of duties that the positions will be responsible for overseeing. )

The meeting will start by discussing these lists. The lists for president and for secretary-treasurer are in the shared folder above -- the list for program manager will be coming soon.

If you wish to be sent an individual reminder and invitation to attend the web conference email a note to that effect to Mike Gage (gage@math.rochester.edu). You can also indicate any particular points you would like to make (or have made) or activities you are working on or would like to participate in.

There are several pages of background notes I made while preparing for these conferences which are available in the shared folder. One of them that roughly summarizes the initial issues is here.