/opt/webwork/ directory, then installed fresh). Running CentOS7, and have had (and
continue to have) a service for Rserve listening on 6311. Verified that the usual things were
message, regardless of how simple. The following is an example:
Any thoughts on what might be going on? As far as I can tell, the CPAN R::IO bridge is still
installed and working fine, root still has the fix to .bashrc to force CPAN modules to install
for everyone, not just itself, the Rserve process is running fine and listening on 6311, and I
enabled the root => "localhost" setting in localOverrides.
Line 129 of RserveClient.pl is the end of the rserve_start{} block, so I assume it's
happening in initialization, which is why I'm seeing it on every Rserve-related problem,
regardless of how simplistic. But I'm at a loss as to why WW can't talk to the Rserve
process, when it's listening and available (and used to work, albeit on my 2.12-r
installation, not the new 2.13 one).
Note on process: (seems to be listening ok)
Active Internet connections (only servers)