Various factors have led to significant interest in understanding what would be needed to run WW at a "very large" scale. By this I mean having a "server" or "cluster" or whatever be able to support say 100,000 users making use of embedded problems. Due the the ability of web-pages to embed multiple problems in a single web page, and the "scale" - peak loads could potentially involve the need to "render" and serve many thousands of questions per minute.
In the long-term, it seems to be that such needs are probably bet met by using "cloud technologies" and horizontal scaling via something like Kubernetes. I have corresponded in the past with several people potentially interested in helping run WW well in Kubernetes.
In the short term, having information available on existing WW servers/clusters which serve large user bases (estimated number of users per semester, some data on server resources and loads) would help me and others understand how far WW can scale using current options (large servers, basic load-balancing and redundant servers).
Anyone able to share data about their "large" WW installation is invited to reply.