I apologize for the delay. It was a crazy week.
If I define the strings, I still get the mismatched answer blanks and the popup menu shows in the next answer blank. If I don't define the strings, then it says that logarithmic is not defined in this context.
DOCUMENT(); # This should be the first executable line in the problem.
########only linear and quadratic are calculated in problem
# Set-up
$points = 5;
$x[0] = 10;
$x[1] = 20;
$x[2] = 30;
$x[3] = 40;
$x[4] = 45;
$y[0] = 16.0;
$y[1] = 20.3;
$y[2] = 21.9;
$y[3] = 23.3;
$y[4] = 23.9;
$year = 2020;
$mpg = 100;
#############linear regression
$sx =0;
$sy =0;
$sxy =0;
$sx2 =0;
$sy2 =0;
$sx3 =0;
$sx4 =0;
$sx2y =0;
$meanx =0;
$meany =0;
$sse =0;
$sst =0;
for($i=0; $i<$points; $i++) {
#####sum of x
$sx = $sx + $x[$i];
#####sum of y
$sy = $sy + $y[$i];
#####sum of xy
$sxy = $sxy + ($x[$i]*$y[$i]);
#####sum of x^2
$sx2 = $sx2 + ($x[$i]*$x[$i]);
#####sum of y^2
$sy2 = $sy2 + ($y[$i]*$y[$i]);
#####sum of x^3
$sx3 = $sx3 + ($x[$i]*$x[$i]*$x[$i]);
#####sum of x^4
$sx4 = $sx4 + ($x[$i]*$x[$i]*$x[$i]*$x[$i]);
#####sum of x^2 y
$sx2y = $sx2y + ($x[$i]*$x[$i]*$y[$i]);
#####for the mean
$meanx = $meanx+$x[$i];
#####for the mean
$meany = $meany+$y[$i];
######mean of x
$meanx = $meanx/$points;
######mean of y
$meany = $meany/$points;
######linear regression terms
$ssxy = $points*$sxy-(($sx*$sy));
$ssx = $points*$sx2-($sx*$sx);
$ssy = $points*$sy2-($sy*$sy);
########linear regression calculation
$r = sprintf("%0.5f",$ssxy/sqrt($ssx*$ssy));
$r2 = sprintf("%0.3f",$r*$r);
$b1 = sprintf("%0.4f",$ssxy/$ssx);
$b0 = sprintf("%0.4f",$meany-$b1*$meanx);
######quadratic regression terms
$qa = (($points*$sx2y- $sx2*$sy)*($points*$sx2 -$sx*$sx)-
($points*$sxy-$sx*$sy)*($points*$sx3 -$sx*$sx2))/
(($points*$sx2 -$sx*$sx)*($points*$sx4 -($sx2*$sx2))-
$a = sprintf("%0.4f",$qa);
$qb = (-($points*$sx2y- $sx2*$sy)*($points*$sx3-$sx*$sx2)+
($points*$sxy-$sx*$sy)*($points*$sx4 -($sx2*$sx2)))/
(($points*$sx2 -$sx*$sx)*($points*$sx4 -($sx2*$sx2))-
$b = sprintf("%0.4f",$qb);
$qc = ($sy/$points)-$qb*($sx/$points)-$qa*($sx2/$points);
$c = sprintf("%0.4f",$qc);
######for quadratic r^2
for($i=0; $i<$points; $i++) {
######for SST
$sst = $sst + ($y[$i]-$meany)*($y[$i]-$meany);
#####for SSE
$sse = $sse + ($y[$i]-$qa*$x[$i]*$x[$i] -$qb*$x[$i] -$qc)*($y[$i]-$qa*$x[$i]*$x[$i] -$qb*$x[$i] -$qc);
$qr = sprintf("%0.3f",1-($sse/$sst));
Context()->strings->add("no solution"=>{},
"no solutions"=>{alias=>'no solution'},
"none"=>{alias=>'no solution'});
$ans_5 = PopUp(["select","linear","quadratic","exponential","logistic","logarithmic"], "logarithmic");
$ans_6 = $b0 + $b1*($year-1970);
$ans_7 = ($mpg-$b0)/($b1);
$multians = MultiAnswer($ans_5, $ans_6, $ans_7)->with(
singleResult => 0, allowBlankAnswers => 1,
checker => sub {
my ( $correct, $student, $self ) = @_;
my ( $a1s, $a2s, $a3s ) = @{$student};
my ( $a1, $a2, $a3 ) = @{$correct};
if ( $a1s->value == "linear"){
if ($a2s == $b0+$b1*($year-1970) && $a3s == ($mpg-$b0)/$b1) {$self->setMessage(1,"A line is not the best choice.");
return [1,1,1]}
elsif ($a2s == $b0+$b1*($year-1970) && $a3s != ($mpg-$b0)/$b1) {$self->setMessage(1,"A line is not the best choice.");
$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,1,0]}
elsif ($a2s != $b0+$b1*($year-1970) && $a3s == ($mpg-$b0)/$b1) {$self->setMessage(1,"A line is not the best choice.");
$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,0,1]}
else {$self->setMessage(1,"A line is not the best choice.");
$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,0,0]}}
elsif ( $a1s->value == "quadratic"){
if ($a2s == $a*($year-1970)**2 +$b*($year-1970) +$c && $a3s == "no solution") {
return [1,1,1]}
elsif ($a2s == $a*($year-1970)**2 +$b*($year-1970) +$c && $a3s != "no solution") {$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,1,0]}
elsif ($a2s != $a*($year-1970)**2 +$b*($year-1970) +$c && $a3s == "no solution") {$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,0,1]}
else {$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,0,0]}}
elsif ( $a1s->value == "exponential"){
if ($a2s == 15.3285*(1.0107**($year-1970)) && $a3s == ln($mpg/15.3285)/ln(1.0107)) {$self->setMessage(1,"A exponential is not a good choice.");
return [0,1,1]}
elsif ($a2s == 15.3285*(1.0107**($year-1970)) && $a3s != ln($mpg/15.3285)/ln(1.0107)) {$self->setMessage(1,"A exponental is not a good choice.");
$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [0,1,0]}
elsif ($a2s != 15.3285*(1.0107**($year-1970)) && $a3s == ln($mpg/15.3285)/ln(1.0107)) {$self->setMessage(1,"A exponential is not a good choice.");
$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
return [0,0,1]}
else {$self->setMessage(1,"A exponential is not a good choice.");
$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [0,0,0]}}
elsif ( $a1s->value == "logistic"){
if ($a2s == 24.2704/(1+1.2059*exp(-0.08638*($year-1970))) && $a3s == "no solution") {
return [1,1,1]}
elsif ($a2s == 24.2704/(1+1.2059*exp(-0.08638*($year-1970))) && $a3s != "no solution") {$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,1,0]}
elsif ($a2s != 24.2704/(1+1.2059*exp(-0.08638*($year-1970))) && $a3s == "no solution") {$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,0,1]}
else {$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,0,0]}}
elsif ( $a1s->value == "logarithmic"){
if ($a2s == 4.3528+5.1643*ln(($year-1970)) && $a3s == exp(($mpg-4.3528)/5.1643)) {
return [1,1,1]}
elsif ($a2s == 4.3528+5.1643*ln(($year-1970)) && $a3s != exp(($mpg-4.3528)/5.1643)) {$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,1,0]}
elsif ($a2s != 4.3528+5.1643*ln(($year-1970)) && $a3s == exp(($mpg-4.3528)/5.1643)) {$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,0,1]}
else {$self->setMessage(2,"Check your calculation.");
$self->setMessage(3,"Check your calculation.");
return [1,0,0]}}
else {
return [0,0,0];
# Main
$BBOLD Note: The problem covers problems 1-5 from Section 5.5 of College Algebra an Applied Approach. $EBOLD
$BBOLD Note on Rounding: Your answers are dependent on rounding. Be sure to round as the problem specifies. $EBOLD
The following questions use the following information from the U.S. Department
of Transportation.
\{row("Years after 1970", "Avg. Number of MPG for U.S. Automobiles (light duty)")\}
\{row("\($x[0]\)", "\($y[0]\)")\}
\{row("\($x[1]\)", "\($y[1]\)")\}
\{row("\($x[2]\)", "\($y[2]\)")\}
\{row("\($x[3]\)", "\($y[3]\)")\}
\{row("\($x[4]\)", "\($y[4]\)")\}
(a) Find the linear , quadratic, exponential, logistic, and logarithmic regression models that gives the miles per gallon as a function of years after 1970. (Round answers to four decimal places for the regression and 3 decimal places for the \(r^2\).)
Linear: \(y = \) \{ans_rule(15)\} with \(r^2 = \) \{ans_rule(15)\}.
Quadratic: \(y = \) \{ans_rule(15)\} with \(r^2 = \) \{ans_rule(15)\}.
Exponential: \(y = \) \{ans_rule(15)\} with \(r^2 = \) \{ans_rule(15)\}.
Logistic: \(y = \) \{ans_rule(15)\}.
Logarithmic: \(y = \) \{ans_rule(15)\} with \(r^2 = \) \{ans_rule(15)\}.
b) Which of the better model to use?
The best model to use is \{$multians->menu()\}
c) For the model chosen in the last part, what is the average miles per gallon expected to be in $year? (Round to 1 decimal place.)
The average miles per gallon in $year is predicted to be \{$multians->ans_rule(15)\} mpg.
d) For the model chosen, when will the miles per gallon be $mpg? (Depending on your, choice you may have no solution or very large numbers. Round any decimals to one place.)
We predict that the mpg will be $mpg \{$multians->ans_rule(15)\} years after 1970.
# Answers
$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 1;
$ans_1 = "$b0+$b1*x";
ANS(fun_cmp($ans_1,tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => .002));
$ans_2 = Compute($r2)->with(tolType=>'absolute', tolerance=>'0.002');
sub {
my ($correct,$student,$anshash) = @_;
return abs($student-$correct) < .01;
} => ["Your answer is close. Try the calculation using more accuracy."])));
$ans_3 = "$c + $b*x +$a*x^2";
ANS(fun_cmp($ans_3,tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => .0002));
$ans_4 = Compute($qr)->with(tolType=>'absolute', tolerance=>'0.002');
sub {
my ($correct,$student,$anshash) = @_;
return abs($student-$correct) < .01;
} => ["Your answer is close. Try the calculation using more accuracy."])));
$ans_exp = "15.3285*(1.0107)^x";
$ans_expr2 = Compute(0.891)->with(tolType=>'absolute', tolerance=>'0.002');
ANS(fun_cmp($ans_exp,tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => .0002));
sub {
my ($correct,$student,$anshash) = @_;
return abs($student-$correct) < .01;
} => ["Your answer is close. Try the calculation using more accuracy."])));
$ans_logis = "24.2704/(1 + 1.2059*e^(-0.08638*x))";
ANS(fun_cmp($ans_logis,tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => .0002));
$ans_ln = "4.3528+5.1643*ln(x)";
$ans_lnr2 = Compute(0.992)->with(tolType=>'absolute', tolerance=>'0.002');
ANS(fun_cmp($ans_ln,tolType => 'absolute',
tolerance => .0002));
sub {
my ($correct,$student,$anshash) = @_;
return abs($student-$correct) < .01;
} => ["Your answer is close. Try the calculation using more accuracy."])));
ENDDOCUMENT(); # This should be the last executable line in the problem.