I've never seen it before, and we have close to 1000 students per term on our server.
The only authentication pathway for students is LTI via Moodle; direct login is disabled.
The error she gets is "Unable to retrieve your permissions, perhaps due to a collision between your request and that of another user (or possibly unfinished request of yours). Please press the BACK button on your browser and try again."
The portion of ContentGenerator.pm that's throwing the error is:
# check to verify if there are set-level problems with running
# this content generator (individual content generators must
# check $self->{invalidSet} and react correctly)
my $authz = $r->authz;
$self->{invalidSet} = $authz->checkSet();
my $returnValue = MP2 ? Apache2::Const::OK : Apache::Constants::OK;
In the login logs I can see this student sometimes authenticating twice within a minute or so. Possibly that creates the collision?
The other possibility: the instructor is using the "HomeworK" LTI grade mode, so that quizzes and assignments get separate gradebook entries. Possibly this is a case of the student using the wrong LTI link and then trying to navigate to her quiz? (I think the error message for that is different, though.)
Fun fact: if you search Google for phrases including "WeBWorK" and "collision", most of the results are Chegg pages where students have uploaded some WeBWorK problem about collisions, with the WeBWorK URL visible.