WeBWorK Problems

Graphing Problems for Linear Inequalities in 2 Variables?

Graphing Problems for Linear Inequalities in 2 Variables?

by Paul Seeburger -
Number of replies: 4

I have some great graphing problems in which students can be asked to graph lines and parabolas that use JSXGraph and are adapted from a problem from Glenn Rice.

But I have not created any yet for graphing linear inequalities of two variables.

Does anyone have any problems like this already?  I'm looking for problems where the student selects whether the line should be solid or dashed, then picks two points on the line (on a grid) to graph the boundary line and finally indicates somehow which side should be shaded.

If none exist yet, I may create some this summer, but I don't have time to create them this spring in time to have my students use them.



In reply to Paul Seeburger

Re: Graphing Problems for Linear Inequalities in 2 Variables?

by Glenn Rice -

Things have come a long way with that since I initially created those problems.  With the next release of WeBWorK and PG there will be a macro that makes creating these problems much easier.

If you want to use the macro now, you could extract the attached tar ball into your courses toplevel directory from the file manager.  The macro is modified a bit so it will work locally for you.

There are some example problems in the original pull request.  Here is the link to the file attached there: https://github.com/openwebwork/pg/files/4786200/GraphToolExamples.zip.  This includes a problem much like what you are asking about.

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: Graphing Problems for Linear Inequalities in 2 Variables?

by Paul Seeburger -

Wow, Glenn!

This tool looks very promising for the kinds of dynamic graphing problems I'd like to create more of.

The examples shown include a couple for systems of linear inequalities in two variables, but not a simple linear inequality in two variables example, like, "Graph the solution of x + y > 2."

I can see that it would not be too hard to adapt these examples to that application though!  I will try to make use of this new code to create some new problems later this spring and summer.


In reply to Paul Seeburger

Re: Graphing Problems for Linear Inequalities in 2 Variables?

by Glenn Rice -

Are these problems more along the lines of what you want?

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: Graphing Problems for Linear Inequalities in 2 Variables?

by Paul Seeburger -
Yes, Glenn!

These are exactly the kind of problems I was looking for!

Thanks so much!
