On a 2.16 server, with seed 3163, I am experiencing an issue. I vaguely recall maybe some changes were made to random(), and maybe that is part of my issue.
ERRORS from evaluating PG file:
'require' trapped by operation mask at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26/Encode.pm line 5 Died within Encode::Alias::find_alias called at line 114 of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26/Encode.pm from within Encode::getEncoding called at line 132 of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26/Encode.pm from within Encode::find_encoding called at line 166 of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26/Encode.pm from within Encode::encode called at line 93 of [WW]/lib/Apache/WeBWorK.pm from within WeBWorK::PG::Local::alarm_handler called at line 34 of [PG]/lib/PGrandom.pm from within (eval) called at line 34 of [PG]/lib/PGrandom.pm from within PGrandom::mod called at line 46 of [PG]/lib/PGrandom.pm from within PGrandom::random called at line 1380 of [PG]/macros/PGbasicmacros.pl from within main::random called at line 33 of (eval 6114) Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26/Encode/Alias.pm line 22
$a11 = random(1,1,1);
$a21 = random(0,0,1);
$a31 = random(0,0,1);
$a41 = random(1,9,1);
$a12 = random(1,5,1);
$a22 = random(-3,3,1);
$a32 = random(-5,2,1);
$a42 = random(-4,-2,1);
$a13 = $a21*$a32-$a31*$a22;
$a23 = $a31*$a12-$a11*$a32;
$a33 = $a11*$a22-$a21*$a12;
$a43 = random(-3,3,1);
$a14 = random(1,5,1);
$a24 = random(-3,3,1);
$a34 = random(-5,2,1);
$a44 = random(-4,-2,1);
while ($a11*($a22*$a33*$a44 + $a23*$a34*$a42 + $a24*$a32*$a43 - $a22*$a34*$a43 - $a23*$a32*$a44 - $a24*$a33*$a42) - $a41*($a12*$a23*$a34 + $a13*$a24*$a32 + $a14*$a22*$a33 - $a12*$a24*$a33 - $a13*$a22*$a34 - $a14*$a23*$a32) == 0)
{$a14 = random(1,5,1);
$a24 = random(-3,3,1);
$a34 = random(-5,2,1);
$a44 = random(-4,-2,1);}