WeBWorK Main Forum

"It looks like the database is missing a column."

"It looks like the database is missing a column."

by Andrew Dabrowski -
Number of replies: 2

I've been successfully running WW 2.13 on my desktop computer.  But I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 and now I get an error when I click on any courses, including admin.

WeBWorK error

I have run the suggested command:

 $ ./upgrade_admin_db.pl
Admin Course Up to Date

Any suggestions?

In reply to Andrew Dabrowski

Re: "It looks like the database is missing a column."

by Danny Glin -

This sounds like the same issue as https://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=5570.

WeBWorK doesn't play nice with versions of SQL::Abstract 2.0 or newer.  If you want to continue to run WW 2.13, you will probably have to revert to an older version of SQL::Abstract.  For newer versions of WeBWorK (>2.15 I believe) you can install the latest version of SQL::Abstract::Classic instead.