The following question marks a student answer as incorrect in part (d) unless the factorial factors are typed first. For example, the answer for seed 1282 is 25*26!*4!, which is marked as incorrect unless entered as 26!*4!*25.
I cannot figure out why. Any suggestions welcome.
## DBsubject(Discrete Mathematics)
## DBchapter(Permutations and Combinations)
## DBsection(Permutations)
## Level()
## KEYWORDS(permutations)
## TitleText1(Discrete Mathematics With Graph Theory)
## EditionText1(3)
## AuthorText1(Goodaire and Parmenter)
## Section1(7.1)
## Problem1(7)
## Author(Tim Alderson)
## Institution(University of New Brunswick Saint John)
## Language(en-CA)
# Load Macros
# Header
# PG Setup
Context()->flags->set(tolerance => 0.1, tolType => "absolute");
$b = random(8,26); #define number of possible elements in set S
do {$g = random(2,8);} until ($g != $b);
$n = Compute($b+$g); #
$nm1 = $n-1; #
$np1 = $n+1; #P($bp1,n)
$bm1 = $b-1; #
$bp1 = $b+1; #
$gm1 = $g-1; #
$gp1 = $g+1; #
$ans1 = Compute("[$n]!");
$ans2 = Compute(" [$b]!*[$g]!*2!");
$ans3 = Compute("[$g]!*[$bp1]!");
$ans4 = Compute("([$g]!)*([$b]!)*([$bm1])") ;
# Body
In how many ways can [$b] boys and [$g] girls sit in a row:
a. with no restrictions?
a. If the boys sit together and the girls sit together.?
a. If the girls sit together.?
a. If just the girls sit together.?
# Solution
a. This question asks for the number of ways to arrange [$n] people in a row.
The answer is [$n]!.
a. Step 1: Arrange the boys in a line: [$b]! ways
Step 2: Arrange the girls in a line: [$g]! ways
Step 3: Put either the boys or the girls at the start of the line: 2 ways.
The answer is 2([$b]!)([$g]!).
a. Step 1: Arrange the girls in one of [$g]! ways.
Step 2: The girls form one block and the boys ten other blocks.
These [$bp1] blocks can be arranged in one of [$bp1]! ways.
The answer is [$g]![$bp1]!.
a. Let [`A`] be the set of ways in which the girls sit together and [`B`] the set of ways
in which the boys and girls each sit together.
The question asks for [`|A\setminus B|`]:
[``|A\setminus B|=|A| - |A\cap B|``]
[`|A|=[$g]![$bp1]!`] (from part (c)), and [`|A\cap B|=2([$b]!)([$g]!)`] (from part (b)).
Therefore the answer is [$g]![$bp1]!-2([$b]!)([$g]!)= [$bm1]([$g]![$b]!).
# End Problem