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Statistics calculations for assignment - timeout

Statistics calculations for assignment - timeout

by Wesley Burr -
Number of replies: 2

Hi, folks,

In some of our bigger courses, and on some of our bigger deliverables, instructors get a timeout when attempting to compute the Statistics for the deliverable. For example, a class of 300 students, with an exam item which has 112 questions on it, clicking "Statistics" in the menu bar on the left and then choosing that item leads to a spinning wheel on the tab, and then (eventually, ~ 1 minute) a blank white page. The blank page has only a <head> with the usual stuff in it, no content.

So, question: is there a setting that allows for longer timeouts for Statistics calculations? And/or is it possible for instructors to manually compute the Statistics via a direct call to a script, to avoid the webpage/timeout issues?

Thanks for your advice!

Notes: still running WeBWorK-2.14 | pg_version PG-2.14

In reply to Wesley Burr

Re: Statistics calculations for assignment - timeout

by Glenn Rice -

This may be an apache2 setting that needs to be changed.  The default apache2 timeout is 300 seconds, which should be okay if you say it completes in less than a minute, but that may have been changed on your system.  On Ubuntu systems this is in the file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.  The setting is "Timeout".  Increase that as needed.

There are other things that can affect this as well though.

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: Statistics calculations for assignment - timeout

by Wesley Burr -
Apache is already set to 1200 seconds because of issues previously with gateway/quiz's. So 20 minutes. Which makes the timeout after about 1 minute odd, and I figured it was the communication from Apache through to WeBWorK - that is, the WeBWorK system is taking more than a minute. Hence why I was considering whether the Statistics functionality could be accessed manually for a course, e.g., from a terminal.