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Log in fields - Content being hidden by User Name and Password Labels

Log in fields - Content being hidden by User Name and Password Labels

by Gary Hotko -
Number of replies: 1
We are using WW 2.17 and have noticed that on some browsers the Username and Password labels to log in to the class are large and do not shrink when we attempt to enter credentials. The credentials we enter become blurred with the labels. How can we fix this>
In reply to Gary Hotko

Re: Log in fields - Content being hidden by User Name and Password Labels

by Glenn Rice -

There are two immediate possibilities that can cause this.

The first is if your javascript and css files are not generated correctly.  To fix that run `npm install` in /opt/webwork/webwork2/htdocs and in /opt/webwork/pg/htdocs.

The second (which will occur in the first case as well), is that you have run `npm install`, but after doing so have not restarted the server.   To fix this run `sudo systemctl restart apache2`.

This should fix the problem, but if not post here, and we can troubleshoot further.