WeBWorK Problems

Randomly selecting options for new_checkbox_multiple_choice()

Randomly selecting options for new_checkbox_multiple_choice()

by Cindy Loten -
Number of replies: 2


I have a style question.

I've pasted a minimal example below for new_checkbox_multiple_choice() that does the following: randomly selects 3 entries from an array of 4 correct answers and randomly selects entries 3 from an array of 4 wrong answers to be displayed as options for the students to select.

Is there a smarter/easier way to accomplish what I've done? As far I can tell, there's no built in option in new_checkbox_multiple_choice() to accomplish this task.










# Print problem number and point value (weight) for the problem



# Setup

@correct = (

"correct1 $BR",

"correct2 $BR",

"correct3 $BR",

"correct4 $BR",


$num_cor =3;

@temp_cor = (0..$#correct); #array of indices of @correct

@slice_cor = (map { splice(@temp_cor, random(0, $#temp_cor), 1) } 1 .. $num_cor);

#randomly select $num_cor correct options to display

@cor_print = @correct[@slice_cor];

@wrong = (

"wrong1 $BR",

"wrong2 $BR",

"wrong3 $BR",

"wrong4 $BR"


$num_wrg =3;

@temp_wrg = (0..$#wrong); #array of indices of @wrong

@slice_wrg = (map { splice(@temp_wrg, random(0, $#temp_wrg), 1) } 1 .. $num_wrg);

#randomly select $num_wrg wrong options to display

@wrg_print = @wrong[@slice_wrg];

$mc = new_checkbox_multiple_choice();

$mc -> qa (

"From the list below, select every sentence that must be true.",





$mc -> extra(





#$mc -> makeLast("None of the above");


# Main text


[@ $mc -> print_q() @]***

[@ $mc -> print_a() @]***



# Answer evaluation

# All or nothing grader


# Show which answers are correct and which ones are incorrect, set to 0 for no information

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;

ANS( checkbox_cmp( $mc->correct_ans() ) );


# Solution


The correct answer is [$mc->correct_ans()].


COMMENT('Uses PGML and Math Objects.');


In reply to Cindy Loten

Re: Randomly selecting options for new_checkbox_multiple_choice()

by Glenn Rice -
The only good answers that I can give you are answers that involve using tools that are not yet released. PG 2.18 will have a parserCheckboxList.pl macro that will handle check box answers much better than new_checkbox_multiple_choice. Also, there will be a "random_subset" method in PGauxiliaryFunctions.pl (which is loaded by PGstandard.pl) that can select subsets for you. That will replace NchooseK from PGchoicemacros.pl.

Using 2.17 and before tools, what you have looks good.
In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: Randomly selecting options for new_checkbox_multiple_choice()

by Cindy Loten -
Thanks for the feedback and information on what's to come! The parserCheckboxList.pl macro and NchooseK replacement sound great.

My institution has 2.15 at the moment, but our ITS is currently working on installing 2.17.