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WW Course for Student Authoring

WW Course for Student Authoring

by Zachery Sharon -
Number of replies: 4


I'm considering adding a module on WeBWorK authoring to a course that is primarily for Math Ed students.  Aside from creating a WW course for each student, is there another way to enable students enrolled in one WW course to author their own problems without being able to read/write those of other students?  If I make each student a TA in their own section, would that have any effect on students viewing each other's work?

I would assume that the answer is no, but it doesn't hurt to ask.


In reply to Zachery Sharon

Re: WW Course for Student Authoring

by Danny Glin -

I believe that the answer is no.  Access to files within a course (which is how the problems are stored) is pretty much all or nothing.  If a user can read/save files in the course, then they can access all files.

In reply to Zachery Sharon

Re: WW Course for Student Authoring

by Alex Jordan -
If you do make a course for each student, you could
(a) use a script so that you convert a roster to all those courses in a regular way
(b) have a "one ring" course (to control them all) where there are symlinks to the other courses' root folders. So you at least can be in the "one ring" course and render problems from any given student course. In that scenario you do have write permissions on their files, so would need to be careful.