Hi Everyone,
I use LTI authentication to navigate from D2L to Webwork for homework-type assignments with four sessions throughout the day. At the start of each session, the student group (around 100+) almost simultaneously clicks a link to the webwork assignment. We have had an odd issue with the third and fourth lab sessions for the two weeks. The MySQL of Webwork gets swamped and stops responding, and some students cannot log into Webwork. I checked OOM killer logs with
> grep "Killed process" /var/log/messages and found that:
Out of memory: Killed process 1911 (mysqld)
Certainly, the Webwork is running out of memory ( current RAM is 16 GB). I reviewed the MySQL settings and found that the maximum user limit is 300, with each connection using approximately 9.906MB of memory (max should be 3123.875 MB). Despite only having 107 students in this week’s lab session, we still experienced this issue. Any suggestions?
With mpm_prefork.conf: