topic started 9/9/2001; 2:39:31 PM last post 9/9/2001; 2:39:31 PM |
9/9/2001; 2:39:31 PM (reads: 2004, responses: 0) |
display_matrixDescriptionProvides a rectangular display of a matrix object by producing the appropriate TeX code for displaying the contents. Syntax display_matrix($matrix_object) Params $matrix_object is a matrix object. See and "" Returns String which represents the matrix in TeX format used in math display mode. Examples Usually used in BEGIN_TEXT/END_TEXT blocks as\[ \{ display_matrix($A) \} \] Notes Note that the order of answers inserted in the last example is across each row first. This is usually what is expected, but you can use "NAME_ANS_RULE" if more control is desired.