
Configuration of WeBWorK 2.19 on Ubuntu 22.04

Configuration of WeBWorK 2.19 on Ubuntu 22.04

by Jalene Mirgissa -
Number of replies: 2


I am trying to set up WeBWorK on an AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 22.04, but I am encountering an issue after completing the installation steps. After following the setup process and configuring Apache, when I try to access WeBWorK using the server's public IP, I get a "Not Found" error in my browser.

I followed the following steps:

1) Installed prerequisites

2) Downloaded WeBWorK: I cloned the WeBWorK repository and placed it under /opt/webwork2 and /opt/pg

3) Apache configuration: Created the required virtual host file for WeBWorK

4) DB Config: I configured MySQL/MariaDB as required

5) Test: I verified that Apache is running properly using systemctl status apache2, and it shows "Active (running)".

6) Attempted to Access WeBWorK:

I tried to access WeBWorK by entering the public IP of my EC2 instance in the browser, but I get the "Not Found" error.

Any assistance or guidance on what I may have missed or how I can resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if additional information is needed.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Attachment Error - Not Found.PNG
In reply to Jalene Mirgissa

Re: Configuration of WeBWorK 2.19 on Ubuntu 22.04

by Glenn Rice -

I assume that you are following the installation manual.  It sounds like you are trying the approach of proxying via apache2.  Have you completed the step to enable and start the webwork2 app?

In reply to Glenn Rice

Re: Configuration of WeBWorK 2.19 on Ubuntu 22.04

by Jalene Mirgissa -

Yes, I did follow the installation manual, and yes, I am using option 2, apache2, according to the manual. However, it seems that the issue still persists. I have attached screenshots of the problem(Error) together with the original "site.conf" file and the changes I made to the webwork and server root URLs.

Thanks for the support.

Attachment Error.PNG