
ww2.19 SetsManager returns "This problem is not valid" on OPL problems

ww2.19 SetsManager returns "This problem is not valid" on OPL problems

by George Jennings -
Number of replies: 2

New installation of WW2.19 seems to work OK, but when I use LibraryBrowser to add an OPL problem to a problem set, then try to view the problem by starting the SetsManager, then clicking the number on the line corresponding to the problem set, then clicking the "Open in a new window" icon (it looks like an eyeball) on the line corresponding to the problem, it displays 

"This problem is not valid."  

For example this occurs with the library problem Library/Rochester/setAlgebra01RealNumbers/, but it also occurs with every other library problem that I have added.

However clicking the pencil icon ("Edit problem") successfully displays the pg code for the problem, and clicking the "render all" button successfully renders the problem.  Also the LibraryBrowser successfully renders the problem. 

/opt/webwork/webwork2/logs/webwork2.log displays no errors.

running   grep -R "This problem is not valid" *   from /opt/webwork/webwork2 to look for files that could return this error produced this list

lib/WeBWorK/Localize/ko.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/zh-HK.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/fr.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/he-IL.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/en.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/el.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/cs-CZ.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/de.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/ru-RU.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/tr.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/fr-CA.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/webwork2.pot:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/hu.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/zh-CN.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
lib/WeBWorK/Localize/es.po:msgid "This problem is not valid."
templates/ContentGenerator/Problem.html.ep:    <div class="alert alert-danger p-1 my-3"><%= maketext('This problem is not valid.') %></div>

I am using the default Locale (en-US), so only the last line, templates/ContentGenerator/Problem.html.ep, seems like a good candidate. It seems to have something to do with Javascript so I re-ran npm ci in /opt/webwork/pg/htdocs/  and /opt/webwork/webwork2/htdocs/, and restarted the server but that didn't cure the problem.

The server is running mojolicious with hypnotoad.  Its problem library is up-to-date.

If you have any suggestions please let me know. I've run out of ideas.

In reply to George Jennings

Re: ww2.19 SetsManager returns "This problem is not valid" on OPL problems

by Glenn Rice -

Is the set assigned to you?  If it is not, then that is what would would happen.