The code
$ansStr1 = EV2(" \( $LBRACE 1,2,3 $RBRACE \) ");
@answers = ($ansStr1, ..
displays and behaves correctly, but the hard copy yields an error:
item[A.] ( 3 )
The braces and the rest of the set are suppressed. This is consistent behavior with similar problems.
Also, the same setup with "x : x \le 5" in place of the "1,2,3" behaves correctly but yields the hard copy error:
{bf WARNINGS:par{tiny * ERROR in old_safe_ev, <PRE>
#\# There is an error occuring inside evaluation brackets { ...code... }
#\# somewhere in an EV2 or EV3 or BEGIN_TEXT block.
#\# Code evaluated:
#\# x : xle 5
#\#Backslash found where operator expected at (eval 131) line 1, near "x\"
at (eval 120) line 1117.
#\#More details: par
-------- PG_priv::old_safe_ev called at (eval 120) line 1090par
---- PG_priv::ev_substring called at (eval 120) line 1174par
---- PG_priv::EV2 called at (eval 53) line 23par
---- PG_priv::_\_ANON_\_ called at -/usr-/local-/lib-/perl5-/5.6.0-/i686-linux-/ line 222par
---- Safe::reval called at -/var-/www-/webwork-/system-/lib-/-/ line 714par
---- PGtranslator::translate called at -/var-/www-/webwork-/system-/cgi-/cgi-scripts-/ line 576par
---- main::createTexSource called at -/var-/www-/webwork-/system-/cgi-/cgi-scripts-/ line 343par
---- main::downloadAllSets called at -/var-/www-/webwork-/system-/cgi-/cgi-scripts-/ line 150par
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