IM sorry to keep asking you so many questions. I've been playing with it and I found what you meant by sorting by section then last name. However, when I go to "scoring tools" and score a set, the file, when opened in excel, is not sorted like that. It is always sorted by last name only.
I've been scoring the sets like this: Student Progress, then I select the appropriate problem set, then I sorted by recitation, then copied the grades manually from this page into our electronic gradebook. As I will probably administer training at my school this week, and anticipate lots of questions, can you walk me through exactly how you grade, lets say your 8:00 section of Math 162?
Since in high school, we have periods, would you suggest entering our last name for section and period number under recitation to make sorting easier when there any more different teachers' students entered?
Until the next email..... :)
Nick Pero
Mathematics Teacher
Cypress Bay High School