Hello all,
The Moodle 1.9 WeBWorK Question Type is done. The documentation for it is also up at http://webwork.maa.org/wiki/Moodle_Question_Type . Currently the only way to get hold of the application is to email me at mleventi [at] gmail [dot] com. Ill be more than happy to send copies around. Ill also be more than happy to let people use the default WWQS.
Not sure if you are still supporting this but sent you an e-mail to the address posted here.....
I have to tell you that with so many links to so many different sites I am at this point very confused as to what is current and what is not ;=}
I have to tell you that with so many links to so many different sites I am at this point very confused as to what is current and what is not ;=}