Although Compute can cause a formula to be displayed as CORRECT (for a student to see after the assignment closes), it does not do that within formatted text. mentions a way to have a typeset formula in text, but at the price of creating a separate object --- I thought one of the design objectives for MathObjects was to avoid that.
Context() -> flags -> set(reduceConstants => 0,reduceConstantFunctions => 0) ;
$a = Compute( "sqrt(3)/2" ) ;
$b = $a -> {original_formula} ;
If ANS($a -> cmp) is used, then the typeset version of \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} is displayed as CORRECT, but using \( $a \) in the text of a solution [after Context() -> texStrings;] just displays 0.866025. (Shouldn't "reduceConstantFunctions => 0" have inhibited that decimal?) On the other hand, \( $b \) will display the typeset fraction including the surd.
Is there another flag or option to the Context which I need to set in order to avoid having to keep a synchronized pair of lists (one set of objects for numerical checking, the other set for display of exact expressions) ?