Davide has posted version 1.99 of pg/lib/Value.pm (his log entry is viewable via the web interface to cvs.webwork.rochester.edu). [Davide -- thanks !]
I cd'd to pg/lib (on my development machine) and gave command
cvs status Value.pm
with output
cvs status: CVS password file /home/wwadmin/.cvspass does not exist - creating a new file
File: Value.pm Status: Up-to-date
Working revision:
Repository revision: /webwork/cvs/system/pg/lib/Value.pm,v
Sticky Tag: rel-2-4-patches (branch:
Sticky Date: (none)
Sticky Options: (none)
On the other hand,
cvs -n update -A Value.pm
yields the response
U Value.pm
Before I actually get this (HEAD ?) version of Value.pm, I would like to know whether there are dependencies which require other files to be updated. Plain "cvs -n update" and "cvs -n update -r rel-2-4-patches" in pg/ show no updates while "cvs -n update -A | wc" yields a count of 213 files.
I am willing to experiment on my development installation since it is virtual using VMware Fusion on an iMac (and I can take a snapshot before experimenting). However, I need to be cautious about revising the system (on Dell iron) which my students access.
PS: The warning ".../.cvspass does not exist ..." disappeared after I went home (cd ~) and used the command "touch .cvspass"
There are two minor differences between 1.99 and the version you are running. They should not require additional updates in other files.