For me the numbers are not matching.
Sorry for being so fussy but I expect to be passing this off to someone else.
Thanks in advance.
wwadmin@wwadmin-U56E:~/Downloads$ md5sum WW2.7_Ubuntu12.04_Vanilla_LiveDVD.iso
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e WW2.7_Ubuntu12.04_Vanilla_LiveDVD.iso
wwadmin@wwadmin-U56E:~/Downloads$ cat WW2.7_Ubuntu12.04_Vanilla_LiveDVD.iso.md5
9e530f9329d0a90421e0d84f7e58a702 WW2.7_Ubuntu12.04_Vanilla_LiveDVD.iso
Hi Hedley,
If the md5 checksums do not match (as in your case), it means your downloaded file is corrupt. Try downloading it again.
If the md5 checksums do not match (as in your case), it means your downloaded file is corrupt. Try downloading it again.