
Installing CAPA Physics problem collection

Installing CAPA Physics problem collection

by Justin Heckman -
Number of replies: 3
I am a Physics Teacher for a High School district and am setting up a WeBWorK server for use by math and physics teachers. I am trying to install the CAPA Physics problem collection but am not sure about the editing of the Global Configuration file.

Once I open the global.conf file how exactly do I edit the :

$pg{specialPGEnvironmentVars}{CAPA_Tools} = "$courseDirs{macros}/CAPA_Tools/", $pg{specialPGEnvironmentVars}{CAPA_MCTools} = "$courseDirs{macros}/CAPA_MCTools/", $pg{specialPGEnvironmentVars}{CAPA_GraphicsDirectory} = "$courseDirs{html}/CAPA_Graphics/", $pg{specialPGEnvironmentVars}{CAPA_Graphics_URL} = "$courseURLs{html}/CAPA_Graphics/", 
area of the global.conf file so that they point to where teh CAPA macros and graphics files can be found. I know where they are but I am not sure where that goes in the above.

Any help would be appreciated

Justin Heckman
In reply to Justin Heckman

Re: Installing CAPA Physics problem collection

by Arnold Pizer -

You can now find explicit instructions for installing the CAPA Library at

In reply to Arnold Pizer

Re: Installing CAPA Physics problem collection

by Xiong Chiamiov -
I noticed that there are some older instructions available on <a href="">another page</a> on the wiki. Is it safe for me to merge the new instructions into that page? I would've just done it, but I don't know enough about the library to say if there is some info in the old page that needs to be retained.
In reply to Xiong Chiamiov

Re: Installing CAPA Physics problem collection

by Arnold Pizer -
Hi Xiong,

Thanks for pointing this out. I changed the directions there to conform with my new directions.
